Hummingbird at Mini High Perch feeder


You can easily make your own food (nectar) for both your hummingbird and oriole feeders.


1 part sugar to 4 parts water

  1. Warm the water in the microwave (it doesn't need to boil - just warm enough to dissolve the sugar).
  2. Stir in sugar to dissolve
  3. Cool
  4. Fill feeder
  5. Store remainder in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks or use for oriole nectar "starter" (see shortcut below). We recommend storing nectar in a glass container to avoid leaching of hazardous compounds.

Easy Hummingbird Nectar Conversion Chart

To Make Water Sugar
1 cup nectar 1 cup 1/4 cup
2 cups nectar 2 cups 1/2 cup
3 cups nectar 3 cups 3/4 cup
4 cups nectar 4 cups 1 cup





Nectar Tips

  • Store prepared nectar in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
  • We recommend storing nectar in a glass container to avoid leaching of hazardous compounds.
  • Change nectar and clean feeders every 3-5 days whether the nectar is being consumed or not.
  • Change nectar and disinfect feeder immediately if you see black spots in the feeder
  • Change nectar immediately if you see cloudiness in the nectar
  • Don't use red nectar - most hummingbird feeders have enough color in them to attract the birds so WHY ADD DYE??  Read the Top 5 Reasons to Not Use Red Hummingbird Nectar
  • REMEMBER: the FRESHER the nectar, the MORE visits to your feeder!!!



1 part sugar to 6 parts water

  1. Warm the water in the microwave (it doesn't need to boil - just warm enough to dissolve the sugar).
  2. Stir in sugar to dissolve
  3. Cool
  4. Fill feeder
  5. Store remainder in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.